Refugee Talent Hub

Blog, Saturday 6 July 2019

Orig­i­nat­ing from our pas­sion for sales we at Prospec­to­ry are con­tin­u­ous­ly work­ing on con­nect­ing peo­ple. Sales stands for con­nect­ing and grow­ing togeth­er. Whether this means set­ting up a dia­logue your­self with clients or help­ing client teams to enter into dia­logue with their prospects.

Futhermore, we share with Refugee Talent Hub (RTH) the ambition to make people grow. In our opinion, Refugee Talent Hub contributes to a world in which people find each other, get to understand and develop each other. Companies are offered the opportunity to grow in diversity and become culturally richer. While refugees get a second chance at a life in a world in which 'giving and sharing' turns out to be our sustainable "profit" more than ever.

These shared values, connecting and growing, ensure that Prospectory contributes enthousiastically and with pleasure to Refugee Talent Hub. The first step have been taken: finetuning the RTH sponsor offerings in a proposition session and making a prio list of potential sponsors more concrete. Soon we will start practising sponsor recruitment meetings with the RTH team. And we will help them to guide these meetings towards success, when necessary.

For more information please go to

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