Workshop "Determining vision, direction" (3 half days)

Which direc­tion will you take with your com­pa­ny, divi­sion? And how do I take my team along that road in a way that they will start work­ing with it ent­hou­si­as­ti­cal­ly? We also want a con­cise plan and strat­e­gy, that does not dis­ap­pear in a draw­er, but a plan that is tru­ly well-sup­port­ed and executed. 


  • You recognized which mission and values you need to protect.
  • You have determined an appealing vision and strategy in accordance with the Simon Sinek method.
  • You have transferred your strategy in concrete targets according to the OKR method.

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Workshop Conversation techniques leadership 1: giving and receiving feedback (2 half days)
Workshop Dealing with price pressure (half a day)