Workshop Making appointments effectively (half a day)

You have a valu­able prod­uct or ser­vice and would like to come to the table with prospects. You learn how you can make max­i­mum impact in a tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion with poten­tial­ly new clients. 


  • You know which preparation is needed before you start to call for an appointment.
  • You know how and where your options are in case of warm - lukewarm - cold calling.
  • You know how to get past the "gatekeepers".
  • You know the triggers to realize interest with the prospect.
  • You know how to rationalize objections.
  • You know what could be interesting business trigger questions.
  • You always guide the conversation towards a follow-up action.

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Workshop commercial conversation (4 half days)
Workshop C-level meetings (2 half days)