Workshop Dealing with procrastination and adjustment behaviour (half a day)

You think you have near­ly closed the deal, but sud­den­ly there is a hitch. Your con­tact per­son starts to be eva­sive, oth­er col­leagues get involved. In short, you see pro­cras­ti­na­tion or adjust­ment behav­iour from the client. How do you deal with this, with­out seem­ing too eager”?


  • You recognize all the signals regarding this behaviour.
  • You know how to deal with this; which reaction is most suitable.
  • You continue to manage the process; you plan constantly follow-up meetings in order to maintain grip on the process, irrespective of this behaviour.
  • You distinguish the decision makers from the influencers.
  • You make the influencers work for you to win the decision makers over.

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Workshop Dealing with price pressure (half a day)
Workshop commercial conversation (4 half days)