
“The ent­hou­si­asm of the Prospec­to­ry peo­ple is striking!”

— Bastiaan Kats

World­wide EY is lead­ing when it comes to assur­ance, tax, trans­ac­tions and advi­so­ry. They make a dif­fer­ence by ded­i­cat­ing them­selves to Build­ing a bet­ter work­ing world” — with more trust in busi­ness, sus­tain­able growth, the devel­op­ment of tal­ent in all its sizes and shapes and more cooperation. 

With EY’s input Prospec­to­ry has approached approx­i­mate­ly 300 prospects in order to cre­ate sol­id appoint­ments. This worked well, in par­tic­u­lar for warm­ing up’ the contacts. 

Their method was rather direct. The ent­hou­si­asm of the Prospec­to­ry peo­ple was strik­ing. They stayed pas­sion­ate; this did not slack­en. This made sure that we are again work­ing on our rela­tion man­age­ment with healthy ent­hou­si­asm in the broad­est sense of the word. This involves both attract­ing new clients and main­tain­ing con­tact with exist­ing ones. In this busi­ness peo­ple often find the con­tent more inter­est­ing than look­ing for new busi­ness,” accord­ing to Bas­ti­aan Kats. 

In his opin­ion Prospec­to­ry con­tributed to the fact that his employ­ees have a clear pic­ture of their propo­si­tion again and sub­se­quent­ly, pick up the sales and mar­ket­ing side of the ser­vice with pos­i­tive ener­gy. This has led to us now work­ing for sev­er­al new com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions. It has result­ed in many leads. Bear­ing in mind that the recov­ery time is still running.” 

Strik­ing in Prospec­to­ry’s approach is the fact that leads are pre­heat­ed”, which makes mak­ing con­tact a lot eas­i­er. Also mak­ing phone calls based on data assem­bled by their own data anal­ists works very well. 

Final­ly, Bas­ti­aan indi­cates that he would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend Prospec­to­ry, if one of his busi­ness relations/​acquaintances were to ask him for an orga­ni­za­tion that could help to improve their sales and mar­ket­ing approach.

Berry Global Inc.

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